Thursday, August 6, 2009

Pelosi: Town Hall Protesters Are "Carrying Swastikas"

So let’s see the proof! I am not doubting you Princess Pelosi since EVERYTHING you have ever said before is nothing but pure truth **end sarcasm**

Background to the swastika: “The word swastika [means] any lucky or auspicious object, and in particular a mark made on persons and things to denote good luck.”

So what is she so mad about? They were merely wishing her good luck!

OK, OK. The stigma of the swastika from Nazi Germany is the reference, you caught me. So they were indicating that our country is turning into one of socialistic principals through the expansion of the welfare state. Statists everywhere are clamoring for more and more “freebies” to be given to the people under the pretense that they are helping the “less fortunate.”

In actuality they are merely helping themselves through the expansion of their own power and control over our lives! Don’t believe me? States that took stimulus money (i.e. all of them) that want to make a stand against the federal government’s overreaching power grab under the Constitutional grounds of the 10th Amendment are being threatened that their money will be taken away. ‘You don’t toe the line and we will take back our stimulus money!’

It’s a joke! If the stimulus money is dispersed equitably to all the states, the money—as if it existed before Timmy and Bernanke fired up the printing presses—would have to come from the people of each state. Therefore it is the people’s money yet the imperial federal government is imposing its “omnipotent” power against the states; ostensibly stifling any rejection by the states.

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