Wednesday, August 12, 2009

If You Oppose Gov’t Healthcare You’re Simply a Pawn of Big Business

Or not!

Here is a great piece discussing why the big insurance and pharma companies are pushing for the healthcare reform.

“In light of all this, it's funny to watch Democrats and their activist allies panic over the protests at congressional town meetings around the country. Tools of the corporate interests! they cry. But anyone opposing "socialized medicine" at the meeting can't be a mouthpiece for big business because, as we've seen, big business supports government control. Conservative groups may be encouraging people to vent their anger at congressmen who pass burdensome legislation without even bothering to read it, but that's no reason to insult the protestors as pawns. What's wrong with organizations helping like-minded people to voice their opinions? Why do Democrats, such as Speaker Nancy Pelosi, dismiss citizen participation as "AstroTurf" -- not real grassroots -- only when citizens oppose the kind of big government they favor?”

1 comment:

  1. I saw that article this morning and laughed and laughed! Insurance companies are PUSHING for healthcare reform - not paying people to oppose it!
