Thursday, July 23, 2009

Send Them HOME!!!

Alright, I know that I will probably catch flak for this one but here's the story: Guatemalan comes to the US illegally, stays here illegally, probably works here illegally, gets hurt, and spends 3 years sucking up $1.5 million taxpayer dollars.

According to the AP, "The hospital, which spent more than $1.5 million on his care over three years, says Jimenez wanted to go home."

I don't care if he wanted to go home or if he wanted to stay in the hospital or if he wanted a freakin' ice cream cone!! He is in this country illegally!!!!

We should patch these people up and send them home! There is no reason that he should be catered to for 3 years. Once he isn't going to die on the flight back home, ship 'em off!!

And people wonder why our healthcare system costs a fortune. We take care of people that don't pay for the treatment they receive! "Hospitals are already struggling under the staggering costs of treating the nation's roughly 47 million uninsured. Illegal immigrants make up an estimated 15 percent of this group, according to the Pew Hispanic Center." 15% of 47M is a little over 7M that we should not be worrying about insuring in this grand government healthcare scandal b/c they are here ILLEGALLY!!!

I like how the story states that the mean 'ol hospital "sent Luis Jimenez back to the Central American country without telling his relatives in the U.S. or Guatemala." Oh, I feel so sorry. They didn't tell his relatives? Oh, except they obviously told his cousin (who is family) and guardian because "his cousin and legal guardian, Montejo Gaspar, frantically sought to stop the move."

How can you make the first statement and follow it up with the second?!?! Blows my mind!

Then, the guardian "Jimenez's lawsuit seeks nearly $1 million to cover the estimated lifetime costs of his care in Guatemala." Oh, I got it! If you don't keep him in the hospital and treat him for free, you should pay to have him treated elsewhere. Gotcha!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you! I immediately wrote to everyone with the easy one click highlighted portion. I was able to send a message in my own words, but as I wrote to you earlier, I copied and pasted a few of your ideas. Thank you again, you are making things SO easy to access.
