Tuesday, July 21, 2009

N. Korea = "Unruly Children"

According to Madam Queen Hilary "We are the President" Clinton, "And maybe it's the mother in me or the experience that I've had with small children and unruly teenagers and people who are demanding attention -- don't give it to them, they don't deserve it, they are acting out."

OK, I haven't spilled my beans on N. Korea yet so here goes:

N. Korea has continuously thumbed its nose at the rest of the world, in particular the US. The famed UN has done little but issue new citations and demand that they correct their actions, stop firing long-range missiles, and halt their nuclear enrichment research.

In my mind, the UN is the equivalent of a parking meter maid. It will issue citation after citation, ticket after ticket, with no teeth to back up the fines and impositions. Will they run into your car with their Segway and dent it if you don’t pay your fine?

N. Korea has continually singled out the US against taking any action in self-defense or in making good on the UN resolutions. They realize that the US (at least under an administration with some balls--pardon my expression ladies) is the muscle of the UN. If we don’t do something to physically stop violations the UN will only issue new resolutions. “You didn’t pay your parking meter, here’s a ticket. You still didn’t pay, here’s another ticket…”

If we shoot down their missiles it is considered an act of war by the N. Koreans. Well, time to open a new can of whoop-ass. But President Hopenchange is as spineless as the UN so nothing will be done. Wait for us to get hit by a long-range missile; maybe Hawaii? Then we will open up for new discussions and worthless resolutions. Never any action that has consequences...

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