…not to mention Racist! (OK, so she didn’t say it but we have covered that in previous posts. See: You Don’t Support Healthcare Reform)
First read the article in USA Today from Nancy Pelosi and Steny Hoyer. Then come back for my remarks.
“President Harry Truman called on Congress to guarantee all Americans the ‘right to adequate medical care and protection from the economic fears of sickness.’” –OK, so Harry Truman got it wrong too! Medical care is NOT a right!!! It is a privilege as one person has to sacrifice part of their life and property to serve others’ medical needs.
“The failure of past attempts is a reminder that health insurance reform is a defining moment in our nation's history — it is well worth the time it takes to get it right … to produce one strong piece of legislation that the House will approve in September” –So if you want to take your time, I guess that means one month! I’m going to “take my time” building a space shuttle. It should be done next month. Please, these hacks want to get this thing rammed through as quickly as possible so that you don’t catch on to their true purpose, which is not affordable healthcare. It’s not about medical insurance. It’s about political power over you by means of your very life!!!
“it is now evident that an ugly campaign is underway not merely to misrepresent the health insurance reform legislation, but to disrupt public meetings and prevent members of Congress and constituents from conducting a civil dialogue.” –Are you serious?!?! First, it is not about health insurance. Second, you and your ilk are the ones spreading misinformation, mainly because you all don’t even know what is in the legislation. I mean, why read it, right? Thirdly, you don’t want to have a civil dialogue. Look at the way Mr. Scott from Georgia blew up over an innocent and honest question. Civil dialogue… ha!
“These disruptions are occurring because opponents are afraid not just of differing views — but of the facts themselves. Drowning out opposing views is simply un-American.” –Wow, where do I start? These people are afraid of change that YOU are bringing because it is nothing but a disaster waiting to happen! If we believe that the facts are what you say they are then we are being un-American. There are no more facts that what is in the bill that gets put forward. And so far, you are ones not reading it. You are the ones that are not presenting the facts. You are the one drowning out opposition by name calling. You are the ones who are un-American!
“The first fact is that health insurance reform will mean more patient choice.” –Yeah, right! After the government has killed off the private sector insurance you will be told who, where, and when you can see a doctor. Just wait.
“It will allow every American who likes his or her current plan to keep it.” –Once again, READ THE BILL!!! You have specifically killed off any ability to switch or change plans. Yeah, you can keep what you got but that’s it! Change jobs, hello government insurance. Change coverage, hello government insurance. Have a child, hello government insurance. Etc. etc. etc.
“never again will insurance companies be allowed to deny patients coverage because of pre-existing conditions” –This reminds me of Atlas Shrugged where the trains had to run to desolate areas regardless of the fact that it wasn’t profitable and their businesses were crumbling. Mark my words, when the government begins forcing insurance companies to accept people with pre-existing conditions the cost of insurance will sky rocket or the company will go out of business because the government can offer the coverage needed without regard to price.
“Reform will mean affordable coverage for all Americans.” –See above! The only reason that government insurance will be affordable is because it is subsidized by the evil, hated, disgusting rich!!
“Reform will also mean higher-quality care by promoting preventive care so health problems can be addressed before they become crises.” –You tell people to exercise in grade school and they choose not to do it. People still smoke knowing the consequences. You think the government having one new program to promote healthy living will change things? Good luck.
I sent this article to flag@whitehouse.gov for the fishy things I saw. You should too!
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