Thursday, August 6, 2009

The Joker

I didn’t write anything about this because I felt it unnecessary of my time or your (my readers) time.

However, now we have a story from the Washington Post that pulls the racism card on the Joker poster. WTF? Here’s a clip: “So why the anonymity? Perhaps because the poster is ultimately a racially charged image. By using the "urban" makeup of the Heath Ledger Joker, instead of the urbane makeup of the Jack Nicholson character, the poster connects Obama to something many of his detractors fear but can't openly discuss. He is black and he is identified with the inner city, a source of political instability in the 1960s and '70s, and a lingering bogeyman in political consciousness”

And, “Obama, like the Joker and like the racial stereotype of the black man, carries within him an unknowable, volatile and dangerous marker of urban violence, which could erupt at any time. The charge of socialism is secondary to the basic message that Obama can't be trusted, not because he is a politician, but because he's black.”

People did the same to Bush, making him into the Joker. There was no outcry over this! There was no charge of racism! It could have been a black person that make the Bush poster but since the target, the victim was white it can’t be racism!!! Only when some anonymous person makes the same poster with Obama we must assume immediately that the “artist” is white and he did it because of race.

What a bunch of tools we got in the media!

1 comment:

  1. Gawd, I'm sooo tired of being called a "racist" every time I sneeze.
    -If you didn't vote for Obama, you were a racist.
    -If you are against his stimulus package, you were a racist.
    -If you are against his healthcare bill, you are a racist.
    (and on and on and on)

    Someone should tell these whiny liberals that it's getting old and to pick another insult - this one is worn out and has lost it's meaning.
