Friday, July 17, 2009

Politician = Corrupt; But You Already Knew That

According to an article in the Politico, "Three House Democratic leaders who were whipping members on the climate change bill gave tens of thousands in campaign cash to party moderates around the time of the 219-212 vote on June 26, according to Federal Election Commission records."

So not only do the Dems buy their votes by promissing the the dumb masses a stimulus check or reduced income taxes, they also pay off each other to vote for bills.

I'm sure the Republicans bribe each other to vote in support of various measures (i.e. you rub my back and I'll rub yours) but I've never heard of paid bribes like this.

1 comment:

  1. And more:

    "Wrangling votes for the “cap and trade” legislation in the House, Obama backed off a campaign promise to auction off all “allowances” – permits to release a set amount of greenhouse gases. Instead of selling them to raise money for other environmental initiatives, the White House allowed congressional Democratic leaders to trade them for votes, assigning allowances to the refinery-heavy district of, for instance, Texas Rep. Gene Green in exchange for his support."

