Friday, July 31, 2009
Only Government...
So where does the government in all its wisdom spend your money? How about some porn dance crap that is considered “art” in San Fransico?
Here’s the article: Stimulus Bill Funds Go to Art Houses Showing 'Pervert' Revues, Underground Pornography
Cash for Clunkers? Not Anymore!
And you want the government to run your healthcare when they can’t even get this right? $1 trillion over 10 years is a hoax! It will likely be 5 to 10x that amount.
Article here
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Wow, This is Right Out of Atlas Shrugged!
More from Atlas Shrugged: “For centuries, the battle of morality was fought between those who claimed that your life belongs to God and those who claimed that it belongs to your neighbors - between those who preached that the good is self-sacrifice for the sake of ghosts in heaven and those who preached that the good is self-sacrifice for the sake of incompetents on earth. And no one came to say that your life belongs to you and that the good is to live it.”
“Force and mind are opposites; morality ends where the gun begins.”
"I did not sit on piles of money and demand collateral from poor people who needed loans. The heart was my collateral. Of course, I do not expect anyone in this materialistic country to understand me. The rewards I got were not of a kind that people of your class, Miss Taggart, would appreciate. The people who used to sit in front of my desk, at the bank, did not sit as you do, Miss Taggart. They were humble, uncertain, worn with care, afraid to speak. My rewards were the tears of gratitude in their eyes, the trembling voices, the blessings, the woman who kissed my hand when I granted her a loan she had begged for in vain everywhere else."
"The only justification of private property ... is public service"
"Private property is a trusteeship held for the benefit of society as a whole"
"Property rights are a superstition. One holds property only by the courtesy of those who do not seize it. The people can seize it at any moment. If they can, why shouldn't they?"
All of this sounds way to similar to reality!
Before You Report a Break In…
If you look at the call report she never identifies either as black but one as possibly Hispanic and the other she did not see.
Freakin’ pisses me off that there are so many out there ready to pull the race card on ANYTHING that doesn’t go their way. A black man in prison? Must have been racists cops that targeted him. Has nothing to do with the fact that he broke the law. But a white man? He deserves it!
If we are ever to get past racism, I think it will have to begin with those out their screaming it to shut up.
Tired of Seeing Obama?
"I thought, my gosh, does he ever stay at the White House?"
This is just priceless! Congratulations!!!
Healthcare is a Right?
So eloquently put Mr. Conyers! This from the same guy that stated “What good is reading the bill if it’s a thousand pages and you don’t have two days and two lawyers to find out what it means after you read the bill?” So I guess it doesn’t matter what is in the bill. I’m a representative and I like the idea of nationalized healthcare so I vote for it… regardless of what it actually says.
Let’s be honest, healthcare is NOT a right! Healthcare is a privilege that is obtained by providing the healthcare providers with money (a good or service) in return. To claim that healthcare is a right is to say that those providing healthcare MUST provide the care in expectation of nothing in return.
Currently we have a system that allows those that cannot afford healthcare to utilize hospitals for life-saving care and it is bankrupting certain hospitals! Here in Atlanta there has been years of debate and struggle for funding of Atlanta’s Grady Hospital. The reason it doesn’t have money is all the looter/free-loaders that expect something for nothing.
According to WGRZ, “from January 2006 to May of this year, Rural Metro Ambulance picked [one man] up 603 times…costing taxpayers at least $118,158 … but as high as $360,000.” Another gem, “Medicaid fraud and abuse costs $60 billion each year nationwide.” Want to save healthcare money? Put an end to the abuse!!
If healthcare is a right, why not food, clothing, shelter, or transportation? Those evil homebuilders should just give houses to the homeless. They need shelter to live right? What if there is terrible weather and they are stuck under a bridge? That’s just not acceptable; they should be GIVEN the house!
It’s a slippery slope of “rights” to someone else’s time, energy, property, and talents.
I can only hope that this gets crushed, “and all that.”
Monday, July 27, 2009
Whom is the Quotes Referring?
"For imposing Taxes on us without our Consent:"
"He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution and unacknowledged by our laws; giving his Assent to their Acts of pretended Legislation:"
"For taking away our Charters, abolishing our most valuable Laws, and altering fundamentally the Forms of our Governments:"
Any idea who these quotes refer to?
"When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation."
Not Obama ... but good guess
It was King George III in our Declaration of Independence! Maybe we should reenact this???
More Healthcare Suggestions
But most importantly:
"If a so-called public option is part of health-care reform, the Lewin Group study estimates over 100 million Americans may leave private plans for government-run health care. Any government plan will benefit from taxpayer subsidies and be able to operate at a financial loss—competing unfairly in the marketplace until private plans are driven out of business. The government plan will become so large that it will set, rather than negotiate, prices. This will inevitably lead to monopoly, with a resulting threat to the quality of our health care."
Charter School vs. Government Schools ... Guess Which Produces the Smarter Students
"In 2008, 96 percent of the eighth-graders at KIPP passed the Maryland School Assessment in math and 56 percent passed in reading. Overall, the students scored among the top 10 percent of all middle schools in the state."
So the kids are smarter because the teachers spend more time helping the students and teaching ... rather than the gov't schools where the teachers just bitch! Now, because the charter school kids are doing better than the gov't school kids we have to FORCE the charter school teachers to not work so hard for their current level of pay. This is just incredible! Another example of the destruction at a union hand...
Global Warming - bunch of hooey!
Saxby Chambliss' Healthcare Bill
You can see the entire bill here
202(a)(1) PURPOSE- The primary purpose of a State Exchange shall be the facilitation of the individual purchase of innovative private health insurance and the creation of a market where private health plans compete for enrollees based on price and quality.
202(b) Benefit Parity With Members of Congress- With respect to health insurance issuers offering health insurance coverage through the State Exchange, the State shall not impose any requirement that such issuers provide coverage that includes benefits different than requirements on plans offered to Members of Congress under chapter 89 of title 5, United States Code.
202(c)(5) OPT-OUT- Nothing in this title shall be construed to require that an individual be enrolled in health insurance coverage.
202(d)(1) ESTABLISHMENT OF MECHANISM- With respect to health insurance coverage offered through the State Exchange, the Exchange shall establish a mechanisms to protect enrollees from the imposition of excessive premiums, to reduce adverse selection, and to share risk.
202(h) Eligible Individual- In this title, the term `eligible individual' means an individual who is- (1) a citizen or national of the United States or an alien lawfully admitted to the United States for permanent residence or otherwise residing in the United States under color of law;
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Send Them HOME!!!
According to the AP, "The hospital, which spent more than $1.5 million on his care over three years, says Jimenez wanted to go home."
I don't care if he wanted to go home or if he wanted to stay in the hospital or if he wanted a freakin' ice cream cone!! He is in this country illegally!!!!
We should patch these people up and send them home! There is no reason that he should be catered to for 3 years. Once he isn't going to die on the flight back home, ship 'em off!!
And people wonder why our healthcare system costs a fortune. We take care of people that don't pay for the treatment they receive! "Hospitals are already struggling under the staggering costs of treating the nation's roughly 47 million uninsured. Illegal immigrants make up an estimated 15 percent of this group, according to the Pew Hispanic Center." 15% of 47M is a little over 7M that we should not be worrying about insuring in this grand government healthcare scandal b/c they are here ILLEGALLY!!!
I like how the story states that the mean 'ol hospital "sent Luis Jimenez back to the Central American country without telling his relatives in the U.S. or Guatemala." Oh, I feel so sorry. They didn't tell his relatives? Oh, except they obviously told his cousin (who is family) and guardian because "his cousin and legal guardian, Montejo Gaspar, frantically sought to stop the move."
How can you make the first statement and follow it up with the second?!?! Blows my mind!
Then, the guardian "Jimenez's lawsuit seeks nearly $1 million to cover the estimated lifetime costs of his care in Guatemala." Oh, I got it! If you don't keep him in the hospital and treat him for free, you should pay to have him treated elsewhere. Gotcha!
Email Your Representatives!!!
Below is an email that I sent to mine...
The informed people wish for a quick death to this proposed government takeover of healthcare.
Why does the government always think they can swoop in and take care of the problem? It is the government that IS the problem.
Now I am not saying that we don't need changes, but a full fledged socialistic takeover of the most important service man provides man is not reform--its a disaster!
Reform Ideas:
Stop legislating what type of insurance people need. This forces people who want basic catastrophic coverage to pay more for the full service coverage that is legislated to them.
Expand on the health savings account platform
Provide for more expansive availability of private insurance (across state lines)
Allow for insurance credits on income tax returns (credits that are good for everyone. In other words, credits that do not get phased out for taxpayers who generate higher incomes). The current income tax deduction on Schedule A is subject to 7.5% of AGI, which makes it all but useless for most Americans.
Break the spirit of the overly litigious society that we have become.
Stop demonizing pharmaceutical companies who make a profit! Their profit is our profit since it is they upon whom we rely for medicines and breakthrough treatments.
Provide a more affordable means for students going into the healthcare profession to encourage more citizens to become doctors and nurses. Loan interest rates can be lowered or eliminated, grants for exceptional students, and other forms of incentives could be provided.
The list goes on and on...
Surely these and other ideas have been kicked around but we don't hear about them. Although Democrats are in charge republicans have a voice too!!! And Democrats shouldn't have to go along to get along. It is time for politicians with a backbone to start fighting for our right against oppressive government intervention in our lives!
The most coherent accumulation of all the things wrong with this current bill can be found here:
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Conservative Kiosk Shut Down
You're Going to Destroy My Presidency!
So if the healthcare bill is not about HIM, why on earth does he state “You're going to destroy my presidency,” according to the National Journal?
Just some thoughts to ponder…
Gun Amendment Shot Down
Question: What about that pesky little 2nd Amendment to the Constitution? You know, the one that states “the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”
Why does this amendment to the bill that was shot down today even need to be discussed? The right to keep and bear arms is clearly a right of the people. Neither the federal or state governments have the authority to supersede that right, unless the Congress eliminates or alters the 2nd Amendment.
Gun Control Amendment
There is an amendment to the Defense Authorization bill allowing permit holders to carry concealed weapons across state lines.
According to POLITICO, the democrats are upset for a number of very good reasons:
"Why would we want to walk the streets wondering, ‘Who has a gun in their pockets?’" asked Democratic Senatorial Committee Chairman Robert Menendez (D-N.J.).
Feinstein called the measure “reckless,” “irresponsible,” and “a major violation of state rights.”
“I have to doubt that if the amendment passes, people will die as a result of it,” Feinstein told reporters today.
OK, so those who LEGALLY carry guns are going to cause people to die. The thing I have never understood was why we legislate to those who obey the law when those using guns to harm others are doing so illegally.
If I wanted to rob someone with a gun, or murder someone with a gun, or whatever the case may be; those acts are illegal ones. Do you really think I would care about obtaining the gun legally? Carrying it legally?
Note to Congress: Its not those that obey the law you have to worry about.
"The most foolish mistake we could possibly make would be to allow the subject races to possess arms. History shows that all conquerors who have allowed their subject races to carry arms have prepared their own downfall by so doing." - Adolf Hitler
Hypocrites, The Whole Lot of Them
So when Bush does something, regardless of what he does, it is wrong. I mean, how dare he?!
When Obama does the same thing, no worries. All hail king BO who rules over us minions!
Buh, Bye F-22
Although the F22 was outdated. Although the F22 required something like 20 hours of maintenance for every 1 hour of use. I find it telling that anything related to defense spending can be considered an "inexcusable waste of money" but all the pork projects and $1+ trillion spent on so-called stimulus is not.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Mom Jeans
We got cap and tax, stimulus 1, stimulus 2, TARP, nationalized healthcare, etc. etc. etc. Who am I kidding? The only people that care about Obama's jeans are those who voted him in ... all they cared about was that he could read from a teleprompter well and that he looked good doing it.
I Don't Know What It Says; Just Pass It!!!
Maybe if he didn't go around campaigning all the time he would have time to do some work/reading. It's not that far into the bill... look on page 16 or google it Mr. President!
This guy fails to amaze.
Mr. Frank Has No Power
Barney Frank: "if I really had the power to stop the Republicans from doing anything you know what I would have done first? I would have stopped the war in Iraq. I would have stopped the impeachment of Bill Clinton. I would have stopped tax breaks for people making millions of dollars a year."
OK, OK...
If slobbering Barney had any power he would (1) stop a war to route out and kill or capture those who wish to kill Americans--I feel warm and fuzzy already; (2) have stopped the impeachment of a immoral, cheating, rapist liar; and (3) have increased taxes on those whose shoulders bear the burden of paying the majority of the taxes already.
Sounds like this guy should be president ... hahaha...
PreBO Gaffe?
I don't think it was a gaffe. I think he was actually telling the truth for once!
Not Sure if True, But Interesting
7 have been arrested for fraud
19 have been accused of writing bad checks
117 have directly or indirectly bankrupted at least 2 businesses
3 have done time for assault
71 , repeat 71 cannot get a credit card due to bad credit
14 have been arrested on drug-related charges
8 have been arrested for shoplifting
21 currently are defendants in lawsuits, and 84 have been arrested for drunk driving in the last year
Canyou guess which organization this is? NBA Or NFL ?
Give up yet? Scroll down,
Neither,it's the 535 members of theUnited States Congress
The same group of Idiots that crank outhundreds of new laws each yeardesigned to keep the rest of us in line
Obama to Create (or Save) Jobs
According to The Hill,
"The House Democrats' healthcare reform bill calls for the creation of new government agencies, trust funds, and advisory committees.
A quick review of the legislation shows that it calls for two new government agencies, three trust funds, three advisory panels, two task forces, a research center, a medical device registry, an ombudsman and many pilot and demonstration programs.
House Republicans are criticizing the legislation for a variety of reasons, including how it would increase the government's role in healthcare.
In a press release on Wednesday, House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) claimed the bill would create 31 new federal programs.
Democrats claim that the new federal entities are needed to ensure proper oversight of the nation's healthcare system.
To help administer the revamped healthcare system, the bill would create a Health Choices Administration. The legislation would also set up three trust funds for retirees, comparative effectiveness research and a new "health insurance exchange."
N. Korea = "Unruly Children"
OK, I haven't spilled my beans on N. Korea yet so here goes:
N. Korea has continuously thumbed its nose at the rest of the world, in particular the US. The famed UN has done little but issue new citations and demand that they correct their actions, stop firing long-range missiles, and halt their nuclear enrichment research.
In my mind, the UN is the equivalent of a parking meter maid. It will issue citation after citation, ticket after ticket, with no teeth to back up the fines and impositions. Will they run into your car with their Segway and dent it if you don’t pay your fine?
N. Korea has continually singled out the US against taking any action in self-defense or in making good on the UN resolutions. They realize that the US (at least under an administration with some balls--pardon my expression ladies) is the muscle of the UN. If we don’t do something to physically stop violations the UN will only issue new resolutions. “You didn’t pay your parking meter, here’s a ticket. You still didn’t pay, here’s another ticket…”
If we shoot down their missiles it is considered an act of war by the N. Koreans. Well, time to open a new can of whoop-ass. But President Hopenchange is as spineless as the UN so nothing will be done. Wait for us to get hit by a long-range missile; maybe Hawaii? Then we will open up for new discussions and worthless resolutions. Never any action that has consequences...
Monday, July 20, 2009
TARP ... The Cost is What?!?!
So now, as the payments are flowing back in from some of the steadier hands on Wallstreet we have Barney Frank wanting “[t]o use amounts made available under the Troubled Assets Relief Program of the Secretary of the Treasury for relief for homeowners and neighborhoods.” A guess this is a little payback to ACORN for getting out the vote--or should we say--getting out the illegal vote.
Now, according to Bloomberg, "U.S. Rescue May Reach $23.7 Trillion" for TARP spending. "Costs include $2.3 trillion in programs offered by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., $7.4 trillion in TARP and other aid from the Treasury and $7.2 trillion in federal money for Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, credit unions, Veterans Affairs and other federal programs ..." It's only TRILLIONS of dollars, folks; nothing to get worried about.
Great, just great! Not to paint everyone with the same brush, buuuuuttt, many of these politicians went to the top schools such as Yale and Harvard ... and this crap is what they learned? Refund anyone???
Yea, the Stimulus Has Worked ... Or NOT!!!
More on Tax Increases
Hmmm... At What Point Does Atlas Shrug?
"This year, 47 percent of filers won't owe any federal income taxes — including some families making as much as $50,000 a year, according to separate projections by the Tax Policy Center and Deloitte Tax."
Continue soaking the rich; it will catch up with us soon enough.
Hat tip to Tim for the article
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Here We Go Again!
Friday, July 17, 2009
Got Debt? Inflate Your Way Out!

In The Beginning:
According to the original constitution, "the legistature of the United States shall have the power to borrow money and emit bills of credit." However, there were opponents to the movement allowing the government to take on liabilities and issue a fiat currency. Alexander Hamilton voiced the majority of the delegates who won the removal of that phrase from the constitution. Hamilton stated, "to emit an unfunded paper as the sign of value ought not to continue a formal part of the constitution, nor ever hereafter to be employed; being in its nature, repugnant with abuses and liable to be made the engine of imposition and fraud." He correctly believed that allowing the government to create a currency that was backed by nothing more than a government promise is prone to corruption.
The Creation of a Fiat Currency:
In 1972, Nixon took US currency off the gold standard. The currency then suffered terrible inflation and Nixon found himself in jail on other charges.
The Bubble:
Famed investor Warren Buffet said February 28, 2009: "When the financial history of this decade is written, it will surely speak of the Internet bubble of the late 1990s and the housing bubble of the early 2000s, but the U.S. Treasury bond bubble of late 2008 may be regarded as almost equally extraordinary."
Where We Are Today:
CBO report states, “That debt stood at 41 percent of GDP at the end of fiscal year 2008, a little above the 40-year average of 36 percent. CBO projects that in the next few years, deficits will be extraordinarily high by historical standards— almost 12 percent of GDP in fiscal year 2009 and almost 8 percent in fiscal year 2010. As a result, debt will grow to 60 percent of GDP by the end of fiscal year 2010.” Some analysts feel that the CBO is understating the problem by overestimating future economic growth.
[See chart at top of post]
As of September 2008, the U.S. government’s current and unfunded liabilities are estimated at $56.5 trillion, which equates to more than 4x the GDP. These include promises to repay investors holding U.S. Treasury debt, primarily China and Japan, along with promises made in the form of VA benefits, Social Security, Medicare, etc.
The Payoff:
It would be reasonable to question how this burgeoning debt will be paid off -- if at all. I suppose there are two real options available, three if we assume another technology bull market rally.
1. The government defaults on its obligations to investors and/or the citizenry of this country. This means that the government cannot and will not fulfill its obligations as promised. Although this may seem farfetched, the S&P credit rating for Britain is teetering on the edge of a downgrade to AA.
More likely the government will resend the marvelously extravagant promises made by politicians past in an effort to ease ongoing liabilities. The politicians who advocate this will likely spend little time in office, regardless of their common sense approach to the wasteful spending occurring now.
That leaves tax increases. Since any politician that advocates tax increases on the poor low-income class, who pays NO income taxes currently, will surely never be elected, the common sense answer is soak the rich. As discussed previously in “A Policy Vacuum,” I hopefully made clear that tax increases will only increase revenue to the federal piggy bank to a certain point, followed by decreases in revenue for each additional increase in the tax rate. This theory has also been explored in a wonderful, but long, book called Atlas Shrugged. (If you haven’t read it yet, it is a great book with a strikingly similar government philosophy that we see before ourselves today.)
2. The government deflates their debt obligation through monetization. See Monetizing the Debt here for an explanation.
Effectively this means that the Federal Reserve will create and flood the market with trillions of dollars of the greenback. According to the FOMC, “Federal Reserve will purchase a total of up to $1.25 trillion of agency mortgage-backed securities and up to $200 billion of agency debt by the end of the year. In addition, the Federal Reserve will buy up to $300 billion of Treasury securities by autumn.” This equates to an injection of cash in the tune of $1.75 trillion.
So why does it make sense to increase inflation to pay off debt? Imagine you are the purchaser of a widget that cost $100,000 payable in 1 year. Let’s assume that we have zero inflation. When you pay back the loan in 1 year’s time it will be worth $100,000 in purchasing power, the same as today.
Let’s now assume that inflation is 10%. When you pay back the loan you will give the loaner $100,000 but it will only purchase $90,000 of goods or services.
The primary debt holders have already voiced their concern of a devaluation of their investment through hyper-inflationary policies. Although Timmy “Tax-cheat” Geithner has reassured our investors not to worry, paying back the immense amount of debt will take some action besides Hope and spare Change!
Politician = Corrupt; But You Already Knew That
So not only do the Dems buy their votes by promissing the the dumb masses a stimulus check or reduced income taxes, they also pay off each other to vote for bills.
I'm sure the Republicans bribe each other to vote in support of various measures (i.e. you rub my back and I'll rub yours) but I've never heard of paid bribes like this.
Clearly Joe Failed Economics 101
article here
Healthcare Costs...
Did any doubt that the costs would skyrocket? The government cannot control Medicare costs, insurance for the elderly, so how on earth would they be able to do a better job with insurance for everyone?
If I seem cynically, that’s because I am. The federal Government has overstepped its bounds on a continual basis, making rules and regulations that it does NOT have the authority to do. Read the Constitution!! Where does it give the imperial federal government the power to create “nationalized healthcare” or whatever you wish to call it?
Time for the people and the states to step up for their rights guaranteed by the Constitution and related amendments.
"A government afraid of its citizens is a Democracy. Citizens afraid of government is tyranny!" — Thomas Jefferson
"People shouldn't be afraid of their government. Governments should be afraid of their people." — Alan Moore
“A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves.” — Edward R. Murrow
You Can Keep Your Private Insurance ... Or Maybe Not!
According to President Hopenchange, “First of all, if you’ve got health insurance, you like your doctors, you like your plan, you can keep your doctor, you can keep your plan. Nobody is talking about taking that away from you.” But it appears that the healthcare bill does just that.
On page 16 of the bill, "Except as provided in this paragraph, the individual health insurance issuer offering such coverage does not enroll any individual in such coverage if the first effective date of coverage is on or after the first day”. In other words, you can only keep what you got if on a private insurance plan. You cannot modify it, you cannot change to another plan, and if you leave one employer to work for another say goodbye to your private insurance and hello to the government option.
Articles relating to this are at Investor’s Business Daily, ABC, Heritage Foundation along with many others.
SSA Spends $700K on Conference
If that got you in a tizzy, check out what our wonderful Social Security Administration spent on their recent trip to Phoenix, $700,000 to stay at a “high-end Valley resort.” If you are not pissed off by that, you are not paying attention!
full article here
Pelosi: We'll pay down the deficit
Does she have any idea that perhaps, just perhaps, the cost will be greater than anticipated? When, other than the Hoover Dam, which I got to tour earlier this year, has a government program EVER cost less than anticipated?
So, when we realize that the costs are larger than expected we will institute a new tax on the wealthy to keep from adding to the deficit--just don't tell anyone **shhhhh**
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Unemployment, worse than you thought
Here are the different measurements of uemployment:
U1: Percentage of labor force unemployed 15 weeks or longer.
U2: Percentage of labor force who lost jobs or completed temporary work.
U3: Official unemployment rate per ILO definition.
U4: U3 + "discouraged workers", or those who have stopped looking for work because current economic conditions make them believe that no work is available for them.
U5: U4 + other "marginally attached workers", or "loosely attached workers", or those who "would like" and are able to work, but have not looked for work recently.
U6: U5 + Part time workers who want to work full time, but cannot due to economic reasons.
The NY Times has an interesting chart on unemployment by state.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
The Policy Vacuum
The fundamental tenet of the liberal mind is this belief that big government is preferred to, not to mention superior to, small government. Since the ideology of big government is persistent in the liberal mind, it is axiomatic therefore, that government is more effective and efficient in allocating resources. Thus, it is acceptable for the government to legally “steal” your money at the point of a gun and disperse it according to the will of the political class at that time.
Unfortunately, politicians do not comprehend that their actions and decisions do not occur in a vacuum. The repercussions of their actions are typically far more disastrous than those created by their inaction. Think regulations for a moment. The collapse of several large banking institutions, along with many smaller ones, have created the idea that banks must refrain from certain levels of financial risk by maintaining government "approved" reserve levels. Therefore, if a bank loses money on subprime mortgage lending, for example, the reserve may dip below the required level for “safety.” The bank then sells additional subprime mortgage loans to shore up the reserve but in doing so pushes down the price of those loans in the market, which further depresses the bank’s assets and so on.
Politicians also perceive income taxation to occur in a vacuum. If the tax rate is raised or the tax base expanded the political hacks believe that they will increase tax revenue to the government. However, new confiscatory tax schemes cause taxpayers to make attempts in sheltering their income, postponing income recognition, or through other measures. This economic reality is exemplified by the “Laffer Curve,” more details here
Arthur Laffer, popularized the basic notion in the 1980's that increases in the rate of taxation do not necessarily increase tax revenue. His common sense theory posits that there a "sweet spot" in overall taxation rates that maximizes tax revenue to the government. Cross that line and people tend to work less causing lowering productivity, decreasing innovation, destroying incentive, and creating a burgeoning welfare state.
The common opinion today is that the government is operating well into the right side of the curve, the shape of which causes decreases in government revenue with each announcement of a new spending program proposed by the current leadership with its impact on the opportunity costs for individuals and businesses to make money.
The main concern currently is that Pres. Hopenchange, along with key liberals, most likely don't care about the ramifications of the Laffer Curve because the politics of "making the rich pay their fair share"--regardless of the fact that about 50% of the American public don't pay ANY income tax--is an overriding concern in their liberal belief system which is centered around the ideals of equality and fairness.
Healthcare Reform ... Soak the Rich!!
It is well documented what the costs are looking to be, $1 trillion + or ($1,000,000,000+), which begs the question, "where is the money going to come from?"
Even though our country is a Democratic Republic, many will refer to us merely as a democracy. In any democracy the majority (read: mob) rules. Since the majority of American's income falls in under $100,000, the tax proposal being floated--to stay true to President Hopenchange's campaign promises--will attack those earning over $250,000.
The recently constructed healthcare bill contains a gem of class warfare in a so-called 'surtax' on those earning $350,000 or over. The specifics are:
- >$350k but <$500k = 1% surtax
- >$500k but <$1M = 1.5% surtax
- >$1M = 5.4% surtax
Provisions also included are additional taxes on employers and those who do not have an "acceptable" health benefit plan. And who, prey tell, determines what is acceptable? I'm sure it will be a new appointment--a healthcare Czar, if there's not one already.
I leave you today with a quote from Justice Felix Frankfurter on government: "The loss of Liberty rarely comes overnight. It usually comes because of well intended people and the unintended consequences of their use and abuse, of the government to interfere in our lives."